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Test guide

How to Sign-up in MiPropertyPortal and How to Create a Strong Password

1. This guide teaches you how to sign up for MiPropertyPortal and create a secure password.

Welcome to our onboarding video series! Today, we’re kicking things off by guiding you through the first steps of your journey with us. We’ll walk you through the simple process of signing up for our portal and setting up your password securely. In this guide, you will learn how to sign up for MiPropertyPortal and create a secure password. Each step is essential to ensure a smooth and secure registration process. Follow the instructions carefully to register successfully and safeguard your account. So, let’s dive right in and get started on this exciting journey together!

 In this guide, you will learn how to sign up for MiPropertyPortal and create a secure password.

2. Click

So the first step is, Click on the “Business name” field and type in the business name details

Click on the 'Business name' field and type in the business name details

3. Fill in the “Number of Property” field

Next, Fill in the “Number of Property” field

Fill in the 'Number of Property' field

4. Click

Click on the “Phone” field here, and type in your Contact Details

Click on the 'Phone' field here, and type in your Contact Details

5. Select

Select the Province you are in, on the “Select Province” field

Select the Province you are in, on the 'Select Province' field

6. Type

Here.. you need to type in your first name

Type in your first name

7. Type in your

And in here, your last name

Type in your last name

8. Click

Click on this “Email Username” field, and provide your email address. You can also put your business email here

Click on this 'Email Username' field, and provide your email address

9. Read this instruction, before setting the password

Alright, let’s ensure your password meets our security standards! Read this note below that says –
Your password must be at least 8 characters long.
It must start with a character.
Include at least one uppercase character.
At least one number must be included.
And finally, don’t forget to add at least one special character such as exclamation, @, or #.

Read this instruction, before setting the password

10. Enter
Password in this field

Enter the Password you want to create, here.

Enter the Password in this field

11. Retype

Retype the Same Password in this “Confirm Password” field.

Retype the Same Password in this 'Confirm Password' field.

12. Click on this box of “I have read & accept the terms & conditions” box

Click on this box of “I have read & accept the terms & conditions” box

Click on this box of 'I have read & accept the terms & conditions' box

13. Click on the “Let’s Start” button

Finally, click on the “Let’s Start” button. Once you signup, our backend team will review and
activate your account within 24 hrs, And
Once your account is activated, you will receive a notification that your
account is activated!

Click on the 'Let's Start' button

This guide covered the step-by-step tutorial of signing up for MiPropertyPortal, and creating a strong password. By following the precise instructions provided, users can efficiently complete the registration process and enhance the security of their account. In the next video, of our onboarding series, I will show you How to setup your User profile, and also how to setup your Business Profile. I would also like to inform you, you can book a live training session with us, where we will help you to get started on your journey to effortless property management. Thank you for watching!

5 tips for first-time home buyers

5 tips for first-time home buyers

5 tips for First-Time Homebuyers



First-time homebuyers can be overwhelmed by the process of buying a new home. Educating yourself is the best way on the steps involved in buying a home, then start saving money and planning ahead of time. Look for tips that will help you get started!


Before you start the home-buying process, you need to determine how much you can afford.

Before you get into the home-buying process, finding out how much you can afford is crucial. The following questions will help you identify how much money you need to make a monthly mortgage payment:

  • What is your current monthly rental payment? If it’s more than $2,000 per month, that’s probably too much for a first-time buyer who wants to buy—especially if they plan on saving up for a down payment.
  • How much do you want to pay in monthly mortgage payments? Experts recommend limiting this number to no more than 25% of your gross monthly income. However, I think this recommendation is not valid in this crazy house market.


Lenders evaluate you based on your debt-to-income ratio, or DTI.

  • The lender evaluates you based on your debt-to-income ratio, or DTI. This is the total monthly debt payments ratio to your gross monthly income.
  • The higher your DTI, the more difficult it will be to qualify for a mortgage. Your lender will look at several factors when determining whether or not they think you can afford a home payment and all other expenses:
  • How many years of employment history do you have? (If this is very low, lenders will likely ask that you put down 20% initially.)
  • What is the maximum housing expense percentage that they’re comfortable with? (For example: If they require 12%, only 12% goes toward housing each month.)
  • What are all of these other expenses? Do they seem reasonable and realistic (i.e., do they include things like food)?


Shop around for mortgages.

You need to shop around for a better mortgage deal. While shopping around for mortgages is essential, feel free to share the best deal you have so far(be truthful). It’s common practice for lenders and brokers to offer different rates and fees depending on the borrower’s circumstances (i.e., their credit score, employment history, and debt-to-income ratio). So if you’re offered a 6% interest rate but know someone else who got an even lower rate with similar financial information, ask why they offered such a better deal. If you’re not satisfied with the response—or if there isn’t a reason given—ask if there is any way they could do better by offering lower closing costs or other incentives within their control.

Don’t be afraid of shopping around either: The more open you are about knowing what interest rates are out there today will give your broker enough confidence in working with you that they may feel comfortable giving away some discounts without compromising his bottom line.


Research and compare government-sponsored first-time home buyer programs.

  • Research and compare government-sponsored first-time home buyer programs.
  • Check with your local government, real estate agent, bank or mortgage broker, employer, credit union, and financial institution for any available resources.
  • Find out what “closing costs” are before you start looking at homes. Closing costs include such items as taxes, title insurance, and legal fees that are required when purchasing a home.
  • Get a rate lock in writing from the bank or lender before making an offer on the house. If rates go up after you’ve found the perfect home but have yet to lock in your interest rate, you could lose thousands of dollars when buying your home!


Prepare for the typical home buying costs: Down payment, inspection fees, closing costs, home insurance cost, private mortgage insurance, etc.

These fees can add up quickly. Make sure you know what you’re getting into and have extra money saved to cover them before you start looking for a home.

Here’s a rough estimate of what your closing costs could be:

  • Down payment: 5% of the purchase price (if you’re buying a $500,000 house, that would be $25,000)
  • Closing costs: 2% to 3% of the total amount of your loan 
  • Points: 1 point = 1% interest rate reduction on your mortgage (so if you were paying 3.5%, this would reduce it by 0.5%)


Buying your first home can be a smooth and rewarding experience if you prepare yourself.

Buying your first home can be less stressful if you prepare yourself ahead of time. Your lender will want to make sure that you’re financially stable before they approve a mortgage for you, so here are some tips on what they’ll be looking at:

  • Credit score: Good credit before applying for a mortgage loan is crucial. A higher credit score will help you to get approved for a home loan with a favorable interest rate. Most lenders use the FICO® Score from one of two companies: Equifax® or TransUnion® (each company has its unique scoring formula). If your credit report shows late payments, low limits on credit cards, and high balances on other accounts—or if any collections are reported against your name—it could negatively affect whether or not the lender approves your application.
  • Employment/income verification: Your lender wants proof that you can afford the home-buying process by verifying how much money comes into and goes out of your account each month through paycheck stubs, tax returns, T2 Summary, and Notice of Assessments (if applicable). Bank statements are also accepted as proof of income if they show consistent monthly deposits and regular withdrawals like rent checks going out each month.
  • Loan application process timeline: The average closing time frame depends on which financial institution you deal with. However, most financial institutions require between 30 and 45 days from starting until closing.
  • CMHC FEE: If you pay less than 20% downpayment, you need to pay the CMHC fee. This fee covers part of losses incurred when borrowers default on their payments until their loans have paid off in full—but only after reaching the 80 percent loan-to-value ratio limit set forth by federal law. 



The main takeaway is that preparing and educating yourself on home-buying is a smooth and rewarding experience. Many resources are available online to help you with your search, so don’t be afraid to use them! If you’re committed to buying your first home but need help figuring out to start, consult an agent who can guide you through each process step.

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How to sell your home faster?


There are many reasons why you may want to sell your home quickly. Maybe you’ve been transferred overseas or just bought a new house that needs to be sold before the movers come in. Whatever the reason, selling a home faster is never easy. However, some things can help make this process go more smoothly for everyone involved. We’ll explore some of these here so that you know what to expect from your next move:


Know your neighborhood.

When you are ready to sell your home, you must know the neighborhood. Understanding the area will help determine if it’s a good location for future buyers, whether they are families or first-time buyers. Here are some things to consider:

  • The average sale price. Knowing what homes in your neighborhood have sold for in the past can give you a sense of whether or not your home is priced correctly for today’s market. It can also help with pricing negotiations by giving each side a ballpark figure to work off of. Suppose there has been little movement in sale prices over time, and yours is comparable to other houses on the street. In that case, it could be time to update its interior design (or even just exterior landscaping) so that potential buyers see it as more attractive than other options around town.


Do your homework.

Do your homework. Before you decide to sell, know the market value of your home and how much others nearby have sold for. Find out the average selling time so that you can plan ahead. You may also want to find out about the neighborhood (e.g., if it’s an excellent place for families).


Be realistic with your listing price.

It would be best if you were realistic with your listing price. Your property value should be based on market research and comparable properties. You will get many offers from potential buyers if you set an accurate listing price for your property. A listing price that is too high will discourage potential buyers from contacting you as they want to save time visiting overpriced places.


Consider hiring an agent.

If you’re looking to sell your home and need more time or patience, hiring an agent can help. A real estate agent is an expert who has the experience and resources needed to get your property sold quickly. They’ll be able to tell you what the current market conditions are like for similar properties in your area, which will help you figure out what price range is reasonable for yours.

Hiring a real estate agent also means they take care of all the paperwork involved with selling a home, from putting it on the market to negotiating offers and closing on it once it’s sold. This can be especially useful if this is something other than something that comes naturally to you or if legal aspects are involved (like drafting new contracts). 

If you also take advantage of the list your home for $999 deal. There might be some conditions. It is worth checking out. You would be saving thousands of dollars.


Offer freebies.

Offering freebies is a great way to attract potential buyers. It shows that you’re willing to go above and beyond for them, which can help them feel more comfortable living in your space.

  • Offer a gift card.

You could offer a gift card with the sale of your home, such as a gift card for home goods or restaurant food, or even one for gas or car maintenance services. A seller offering such an incentive says they are willing to prove their commitment to the deal-closing process as seamless as possible for each party involved—and who wouldn’t want that?


Catch them with a catchy headline.

You first need to remember that a headline is short and snappy. The headline should be easy to read and understand and written in the first person. It should also be written in the present tense, making it feel like the reader is interacting with you now rather than looking back at what happened. Finally, remember your tone! Whether formal or casual, try to write something that feels natural for both of you; this way, the buyer will relate more quickly to your story and want to continue reading on their terms.


Make it look nice.

  • Let’s get one thing straight: curb appeal matters. The prospective buyer should say WOW, this looks good when they first see your home. This is an opportunity to make a great first impression by ensuring that everything looks neat, tidy, and attractive from the outside. The yard must be free of debris, windows should sparkle, and trees should be trimmed (but don’t overdo it). You should also paint the exterior or install new landscaping around your property if you feel these things need improvement.


Use social media to your advantage.

A great way to connect with potential buyers is through social media. Use social media to promote your listing, open house, and home. And remember to use it as a tool for selling yourself as a real estate agent!


Stage it well

  • Stage it well.
  • Remove any clutter and unnecessary items from the rooms. This will help create an air of spaciousness.
  • Use neutral colors on walls, floors, and furniture, as they are more likely to appeal to a broader audience of buyers than bright or bold colors.
  • Soft lighting can make a room look larger than it is—thinks dimmer switch on the way in or led track lights under cabinets, for example!
  • Make sure you have lots of natural light in your rooms by opening blinds and curtains wide before showing off your home – even if you’re not selling in the summertime!


Hire a professional photographer.

A professional photographer knows to take photos that will sell your home. They understand lighting, angles, and poses. They can use professional equipment and software to enhance the quality of your photos, making them more appealing to buyers.


Get familiar with the process and ensure you understand how to sell a house quickly.

Selling a home can be confusing, so you must know your expectations. The first steps in selling your house include the following:

  • Learning how to sell a house fast.
  • Getting your home ready for sale.
  • Staging it for potential buyers.

Once these things are done, you can start pricing and marketing your home for sale.


The first Impression is the last Impression.

To sell your home faster, you must ensure that the first impression is good. It’s essential to have the house looking great from the moment potential buyers walk through your front door. Do the following to make sure this happens:

  • Ensure that everything in the house is tidy and clean. A dirty or cluttered home will make it harder for buyers to imagine themselves living there, so take some time beforehand to eliminate any clutter and ensure everything is spotless!
  • Ensure all personal items are removed from rooms where they don’t belong. Whether this means removing family photos from hallways or valuables from bedrooms etc., it will help give potential buyers an idea of how spacious each room feels by eliminating these distractions from sightlines. This way, your front room won’t feel cluttered with furniture but, instead, have plenty of space for conversation and movement. People may be viewed together during showings on busy evenings such as Fridays through Sundays (when most people tend not to go out because they’re busy!).


Declutter and depersonalize.

Get rid of everything that isn’t necessary. It’s hard to imagine how people have kept useless stuff in their homes out of sentimentality or laziness, but it’s excellent for your sale if you can make it look like an empty shell. Leave it at home if you need clarification on whether something is useful! That way, the buyer won’t be distracted by clutter or personal effects when looking at the house.

This next step is important: clean up all items that aren’t necessary and ensure they’re neat and organized (family members might be more willing to help if they know how much time this will save them). 


Make necessary repairs !!

To sell your home faster, you must ensure that the property is in good condition. The followings might help:

  • Fix any damage to your house. If there are any damages, fix them as soon as possible because it will lower the price of your house and make it harder for people to buy.
  • Clean and tidy up your house. Your home must be clean before selling it off so that buyers can find no problems with it when they visit your house for an inspection.
  • Make sure that there is proper lighting inside and outside of the property so that buyers can see clearly at night time or during daytime when they view the property themselves without being blinded by bright sunlight coming through windows or doorways when they enter into different parts of the room where they want light fixtures installed throughout each room instead of just one central location near ceiling level which tends not provide adequate illumination throughout each room since some rooms may require additional lighting sources since their layouts differ significantly from others’ layouts; however, this could become costly depending on whether or not.


Give the kitchen a mini-makeover.

When buying a home, one of the main areas the potential buyer(especially women) pays more attention to is the kitchen, so keep it at its best. When you’re ready to sell, you might have some extra time on your hands. Use extra effort to make a few changes in your kitchen, which will help it show better and ultimately increase its value.

Some things that are quick and easy to do include:

  • Remove unnecessary items from your cupboards, drawers, and countertops.
  • Clean up all surfaces (countertops, cabinets), appliances (ovens/ranges), floors, and walls thoroughly inside each room. Be sure there are no lingering smells from cooking or cleaners used earlier during the week/month when making these changes!


Add a coat of paint.

If you’re looking to sell your home faster, adding a coat of paint can be one of the best ways to make it more appealing. While real estate agents may advise against painting over the original color scheme, it’s important to remember that most buyers will be okay with how much time or money you’ve invested in making your house look perfect. They are more concerned with whether they’d like to live there themselves and how much their tastes would clash with yours.

A fresh coat of paint won’t cost as much as a complete renovation—and it might get your home sold faster than any other improvement! If possible, choose neutral colors that are easy on the eye and let potential buyers imagine themselves sitting on the porch drinking lemonade while watching fireworks on Canada Day or sipping coffee with friends on Saturday mornings (depending on where you live).


Focus on lighting and ventilation.

Light and ventilation are the two most important elements of a house. They can make or break a potential sale, and they’re both easy to fix if you know what you’re doing.

Light is needed for a good first impression, as people will feel more comfortable in a bright, well-lit house. If your home has dark corners, consider painting those areas with lighter colors instead of dark ones (such as black). It would help if you also placed mirrors on opposite sides of each room to make it look bigger than it is.

Ventilation is needed to make the house smell fresh! If you have bad odors coming from anywhere in your home (such as old food), clean everything up before an open house so that nobody has to deal with that while looking at your place! It also helps if they can see sunlight shining through windows into rooms that aren’t being shown off at any given moment – this will make them think, “Wow…this place looks nice!”


Have a screening process to select potential buyers.

A screening process is vital to ensure you only deal with serious buyers. The screening process should be fair and impartial, consistent, and transparent.

You can screen potential buyers in a variety of ways:

  • A waiting list – Create a list of interested parties and prioritize them according to the date they registered their interest in your property. Ask people on this waiting list if there are any changes in their circumstances that would affect their ability to purchase your home. For example, if someone has recently been made redundant from work or had medical treatment which involved their income, move them down the priority list; however, if anyone moves up their priority because of higher income, move them up too!
  • Credit checks – Check credit scores for every person on your waiting list (you could do this yourself as an individual homeowner, but it’s probably best left up to professionals). Some lenders will also let you see past loan applications, which will give extra insight into how responsible a borrower has been over time so try asking for these documents too!


Make your home affordable if you want to sell it faster.

If you’re trying to sell your home, getting the asking price right from the beginning is important. Overpricing can lead to several problems:

  • Your home will sit on the market for longer, so you’ll have to pay more in real estate agent fees and other costs associated with selling a house.
  • It will be easier for buyers to get financing on your property if they believe it’s not overpriced; this is especially true if they’re first-time homebuyers or otherwise not familiar with the local real estate market. With less financing available, fewer potential buyers could be interested in seeing your listing – meaning even less demand and competition among them!
  • Potential buyers may decide that your house isn’t worth what you think it is because its value (at least in their eyes) can’t justify its high asking price tag. This decreases their desire not only buy but also negotiate any discounts off of an already inflated figure just so that they don’t feel like chumps for having looked at something so expensive when there are plenty of other options undervalued by comparison.”



We hope this article has provided some helpful tips on selling your home faster in Scarborough, Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, and Oshawa. If you are thinking of selling your home and want to know more, we encourage you to contact us today!

Benefits of Hiring a Property Manager


If you own a rental property, you know a lot to consider when managing your investment. From choosing tenants to collecting rent and maintaining the property, many tasks are involved in owning a rental property. If you own multiple rental properties, hiring a good property manager can save you time and money by allowing them to deal with these tasks on your behalf. This article will examine some benefits of hiring a quality property manager.

Hiring a property manager can save you time and money. As the property owner, you can focus on other aspects of your business which may include:

Pay attention to your tenants’ needs and ensure they are treated fairly and respectfully or be hands-on with repairs and maintenance tasks to keep costs low.

By hiring a professional property manager, you have a positive relationship with all parties involved in the process, including tenants, real estate agents, inspectors, contractors, and others working on your properties.


An experienced property manager knows local laws and regulations.

A property manager knowledgeable about local laws and regulations can help you avoid costly mistakes. For example, if a property manager knows that you are required to have your properties inspected for safety before renting them out, they can help ensure that this happens. This will save you from fines or other penalties should someone get hurt on your property.

Suppose you’re unfamiliar with the local laws and regulations in your city or state. In that case, knowing what needs to be done for each step of the process can be challenging—from finding tenants to handling disputes between them and their landlords/property managers. An experienced property manager can help guide you through all phases of owning rental real estate so that you will have no surprises down the road.


A good property manager knows how to evaluate the best tenant.

For starters, they know a thorough background check is vital for potential tenants. They will ensure that all applicants fill out an application and submit copies of their driver’s license, references, and proof of income before moving into your rental property. They also set up a screening process that includes having the applicant provide a recent pay stub to ensure they are not only employed but have enough income to afford rent payments. The property manager will also want to see utility bills or other paperwork that shows how much money is coming in every month for each person who plans on living in the unit so he or she can make sure there are no surprises later on when bills arrive at your door saying someone owes hundreds of dollars in unpaid utility charges because they didn’t tell you when their last bill was due.”


An experienced property manager will do thorough background checks on each new applicant.

When you hire a property manager, they will do thorough background checks on each new applicant. This helps ensure that your tenant is a good fit for your home and neighborhood. A reputable property manager will also run credit checks, criminal record checks, and even check references from previous landlords to protect you from bad tenants. These screenings are important because when choosing a tenant, it is not just about their ability to pay rent; it’s also about whether or not they’ll be respectful of your investment in the property and treat it with care.


Property managers deal with rent collection, late fees, evictions, etc.

You’ll never have to do it yourself. Property managers are responsible for collecting rent, late fees, and other charges from your tenants. If you need help evicting a tenant who isn’t paying their rent or finding a new one, they can help with that too!


They know how to price your property with the current market price.

You’re a landlord. You want to keep your property in good shape but don’t have time to do it yourself. You don’t want to spend your weekends cleaning toilets and scrubbing walls – you want to spend that time at the park with your family or get a new book from the library.

It can be tempting to hire any ol’ Joe Blow off Craigslist who can do the work cheaply, but this is not always the best idea. There are certain things that only experienced professionals know how to do correctly, and there are some things that only they know how NOT TO DO!

If you’re looking for a property manager who will help take care of all those pesky details so that you can focus on what matters most: getting paid!


A qualified property manager will have access to many tenants searching for properties to rent.

A property manager will have access to many tenants searching for properties to rent. They can screen the applicants and find the best fit. This can be a huge benefit, as you don’t have to spend time screening potential tenants yourself. It also saves you time and money since your property manager can do all that work for you!


A quality property manager can help you maximize your property’s earning potential by keeping vacancy rates low and reducing turnover costs, such as advertising expenses, legal fees, cleaning costs, etc.

In addition to saving money on marketing, a good property manager will have relationships with local businesses that can offer discounts for tenants moving into your building. This can be very attractive to prospective renters looking at multiple properties in the same area.


Hiring an experienced property manager has many benefits and will allow you to get the most out of your rental properties.

Property managers are experts in their respective industries; they know the job’s legal and financial requirements, how to find good tenants, and how to deal with problems. A property manager can help you get the most out of your rental properties by helping you run them more efficiently.



We understand that this may be a big decision, but we hope we’ve helped make it easier for you. We believe that hiring an experienced property manager will save you time and money while also providing peace of mind during what can be a stressful process. If you need more information or want to discuss your options further, please don’t hesitate to contact us!